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Employee Overpayments

We have been receiving a high number of reversals and overpayments recently. This is happening mostly due to terminations not being entered and/or approved into the Pitt Worx system in a timely manner. If an employee is not terminated in the system prior to payroll processing, they may continue to receive pay until the termination is entered.  It is important to note that recovering overpayments is a complex, time-consuming and costly process for the University.

We are asking you to please share the following reminders with all supervisors, department administrators, or anyone in your area that has direct reports:

  • Employee terminations need to be processed immediately into the system to avoid overpaying employees.
  • Approval and signoff of the preview and final payroll register MUST be signed and kept by the responsible individuals. We will begin auditing these registers in the coming months to ensure compliance. These are great tools to validate that all employees get paid timely and accurately.
  • All Pitt Worx actions need to be approved prior to payroll processing. Please pay special attention to terminations, leaves or actions that need approval to stop or reduce payroll payments.
  • If during the preview process you notice an overpayment, you should submit the action immediately in Pitt Worx and submit a request via an online inquiry by selecting Payroll > Reversal/Overpayment to delete the employee from the payroll.
    • After the appropriate action is approved, the missed pay may be added to the following pay if there is still a partial payment due. If there is an urgent employee need, the Payroll Department may issue an off-cycle QuickPay as a service request on the next scheduled QuickPay payroll. To request an urgent off-cycle QuickPay, submit a request via an online inquiry by selecting Payroll > Payroll Service Request.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership to ensure our employees are paid timely and accurately each pay.

The University of Pittsburgh Payroll Department