You can update your tax information such as federal forms (i.e. Form W-4) and state forms (i.e. Residency Certification, Local Services Tax Exemption, etc) through employee self-service. You can use this net pay estimator to calculate your estimated tax withholdings based on the information you elect on your personal tax forms.
Once you have updated your tax information the first time:
You will be able to view this information within the system moving forward.
You will be able to view/update each form individually without being prompted to fill out all forms.
Upon logging in to Pitt Worx, follow the address and tax form change instructions. To view your current Form W-4 elections, select View Tax Withholding under Quick Actions on the left-hand side of the Me page in Pitt Worx.
Form W-4 Information
The IRS released a new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate, in 2020. Please visit the IRS website FAQ page for more information on how the new Form W-4 differs from previous versions due to the federal tax law changes that took place in 2018. The new federal income tax tables and IRS federal income tax withholding calculator are now available. For additional information regarding the current Form W-4, please see our announcement.
The Form W-4 is used to determine your federal income tax withholding based on the marital status and the elections you make. You can use this net pay estimator to calculate your estimated tax withholdings, including an estimate of your federal income tax withholding based on your Form W-4 selections. You can change your Form W-4 as many times per year as needed. We encourage all employees to review their payslips after each pay.
Please note: claiming dependents on your Form W-4 will substantially decrease the amount of federal income tax withheld per pay. Any value that you enter in the additional withholding field will be an additional amount that is withheld from each individual pay.
For additional information on the Form W-4, please refer to IRS Publication 505 (PDF). The IRS provides a federal income tax withholding calculator that may be helpful in completing this form. The IRS also offers informative videos on various tax related topics which may be helpful to review as well.
Residency Certification Form Information
Your address on file should always reflect your current permanent residence. If your address changes then you must update your address on file.
In general, state and local taxation is determined by your address on file; however, other factors such as your role and nationality may impact your state and local taxation withholding. Please see the US tax information page for additional information. Foreign national employees seeking taxation information should refer to the global pay section.
Local Services Tax (LST)
As a Pennsylvania employer, the University of Pittsburgh is required to withhold a Local Services Tax (LST) from all employees. Additional information about LST can be found on the US tax information page.
The form to claim an LST exemption for active employees must be submitted through employee self-service in Pitt Worx. Note, Local Services Tax (LST) exemption forms expire at the end of each calendar year. University employees who submitted an exemption form for the current year and meet the criteria again for the following year will need to submit new information each year to claim exemption.
Upon logging in, please follow these instructions to submit your LST exemption form. Note, once this has been submitted in Pitt Worx, active employees do not need to send a hard copy of the LST exemption form. Review our announcement for information about LST exemption for 2025.